
5Chrome extensions to help you save time|Save your Time

5Chrome extensions to help you save time 

5Chrome extensions to help you save time|Save your Time

This will save you valuable time.
Chrome Extensions is a good example of such a tool; Insert a small snippet of software into your Google browser to help you if necessary. From a tool that can automatically enter commonly used phrases to a secret that corrects your spelling mistakes, read on about an excellent set of services that will save you a lot of time.
▪︎Save time by checking your inbox more often: Checker Plus for Gmail

If you spend a lot of time checking your Gmail inbox, you'll need this great add-on. Checker Plus for Gmail is a useful tool that provides customized Gmail pop-up notifications. This way, you can keep track of what's going on in your inbox without having to open your email in a separate browser tab. You can also click on this extension's icon to display an inbox preview window, where you can quickly check the first few messages in your inbox without having to open - and be interrupted - full-featured Gmail.

▪︎Save time by setting up a fake dual monitor: Dualless

Dualless has been described as a "bad solution for two monitors" and a unique free tool for anyone who can take advantage of multiple monitors, which saves time but does not need any money or office space. Screens can actually save you time by allowing you to look from the window you're working on to another window with a document you may need to look at, or the chat screen or messages. Dualless can double your productivity by splitting the browser window into two parts on a single screen in a proportion that suits your needs.

▪︎Save time by increasing your productivity:

Focus To Do: Tomato Timer and To Do List
Focus To-Do is described as a "scientific knowledge-based application that encourages you to focus and finish things." . -clock pieces. It is based on the theories behind Francesco Cirillo's "Pomodoro Technique". Developed in the 1980s, this technique sees a timer set to 25 minutes when you work hard, and when the timer expires, you take a five-minute break.
▪︎Save time with automatic spell checking: grammar
Grammar can save you time by checking spelling and grammar as you type. This will improve the written content you create and your credibility. This extension automatically corrects your text on Gmail, Google Docs, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, WordPress, and millions of other sites. If the spelling is incorrect, it will be highlighted in red. Grammarly can save you time by checking spelling and grammar as you type. This will improve the written content you create and your credibility. This extension automatically corrects your text on Gmail, Google Docs, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, WordPress, and millions of other sites. If they are misspelled, they will appear in red lines.

▪︎ Save and automatically type the time of commonly used text: Magical-Text Expander
Magic is exactly what the name suggests, from a sober point of view. This text extension add-on can help you save time and increase typing accuracy by creating shortcuts that you use often. Whether it's email addresses, statements about your business, answers to frequently asked questions, frequently used email templates, or simple greetings, signatures, and signatures, this tool can take a character set and automatically expand it. For example, you can configure "-TINV" to automatically expand to "Thank you for your interest in our business, but we currently have no vacancies. Please follow the recruitment page on our website for future opportunities. "

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